Managed Kubernetes

The fastest way to launch your applications

With Kubernetes, you choose both scalability and flexibility. We help you get started quickly with this new technology.

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All about Kubernetes and more

Why choose Kubernetes?

  • Easy scaling

Kubernetes' greatest asset is its scalability. Launch additional containers in the blink of an eye.

  • Always online

Downtime means loss of revenue. That is why we solve every problem within 30 min.

  • Quick launch

Kubernetes is the fastest way to develop new applications or update existing ones.


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251 reviews
Grow at your own pace with Kubernetes

Grow at your own pace with Kubernetes

Kubernetes tailored to your needs

Easily adjust the resources of your Kubernetes cluster (such as vCPU, vRAM, etc.) according to the needs of your application.

Adjust with autoscaling

Autoscaling allows you to absorb traffic peaks by briefly allocating additional resources. If you have enabled the option, this is done fully automatically.

Growable PVC, say what?

With growable PVC (persistent volume claim), you specify whether a container needs more storage to be kept in case of a reboot.
You start with 200 MB and grow as much as you want.

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An additional database? No problem!

You can easily add databases (5 GB, 10 GB or 20 GB).

Upgrade to Full Kubernetes

Start small and grow into a Full Kubernetes setup.


"The fact that we can rely on Combell as our trusted partner in Belgium, and that our users' data are hosted securely on Belgian servers, is one of the reasons why we chose Combell"

Read the full case study

Kevin De Wolf

Kubernetes made easy...

Kubernetes made easy...

A Harbor for Docker

Harbor allows you to store your Docker images. You can use them to perform a roll-back or to identify vulnerabilities.

Find everything with ElasticSearch

ElasticSearch collects all your logs from the last 30 days. We link this to a Kibana dashboard that makes searching even easier.

Stay informed with alerts

We have set up alerts so that you can be informed immediately of (impending) problems. With Full Kubernetes, you can even receive these directly in Slack.

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Collect your metrics

Victoria metrics (or Prometheus) allows you to collect the metrics you want: e.g. how often a certain action is performed.

Stay safe using HTTPS

Thanks to certmanager, you always have a Let's Encrypt certificate. You do not need to arrange or renew anything yourself.

Get started quickly using Nginx-ingress

Nginx-ingress is a tool that allows you to link your URL to your Kubernetes containers.

... and tailored to developers

... and tailored to developers

Helmet does the heavy lifting for you

Helm makes it a lot easier to deploy applications on Kubernetes. Complex tasks like setting up containers and resources are performed for you.

Upgrades, rollbacks, etc. made easy

Helm makes it easy to manage different versions or releases. An upgrade, rollback or uninstall is a matter of a few commands.

CI/CD deployment pipeline

Set up a CI/CD deploy pipeline with Full Kubernetes to launch updates directly from Gitlab, Github, Jenkins ...

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Staging environment

Set up a staging environment for development. The best option for this is to choose a Full Kubernetes cluster.

Every protocol

With Full Kubernetes, you can use any protocol to communicate with your Kubernetes environment. Handy for Git.

Get a complete overview with additional dashboards

By default, Kubernetes comes with a very limited dashboard with limited data. This is why we developed clear dashboards that provide you with much more information.

Get a complete overview with additional dashboards
support team

Support from our Kubernetes team

By e-mail or phone

Ask your questions about Kubernetes directly to our Kubernetes team.

Live chat consultation (only with Full Kubernetes)

Via Slack, you have direct contact with our Kubernetes team. So you will get quick answers to your questions.

Quick solution guaranteed

Downtime means loss of revenue. That is why we solve every problem within 30 min. Guaranteed by our SLA.

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An easy start? Thanks to our expertise!

An easy start? Thanks to our expertise!

Get the most out of Kubernetes

In order to successfully set up a Kubernetes cluster, you need specific expertise. And that is precisely what our in-house team can provide.

We get your application ready for Kubernetes

During a Kubernetes workshop, we will help you get your application ready for Kubernetes containers.

And we will continue to help you after the start-up phase

Even after launching your Kubernetes cluster, you stay in direct contact with our experts. This will help you make progress quickly and efficiently.

Request your Kubernetes workshop without obligation
With Combell, you are safe

With Combell, you are safe

No weak links

Every link in our Kubernetes infrastructure is redundant. As a result, you never have a single point of failure. You can rest assured.

High Availability

With Full Kubernetes, downtime is virtually impossible thanks to high availability. You can rely on at least two virtual servers that can take over from each other.

Firewalls keep hackers at bay

A robust firewall keeps your environment safe. Do you want to be able to white-list or close specific ports yourself? Then go for Full Kubernetes.

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ISO 9001 ISO 27001 ISO 27701

Your guarantee of quality and a minimum of security risks.

Discover our ISO certificates

Is Kubernetes something for you?

The benefits of Kubernetes are huge. But not for every application.

Traditional single-component applications, for instance, will not benefit much from Kubernetes. At least: not yet!

To get the most out of Kubernetes, split your application into multiple components that you can then easily scale up. Our experts will guide you through this process.

Wondering if your application is suitable?

Contact our experts for a no-obligation consultation
Containers are particularly useful for applications for which you are already running multiple virtual machines on multiple servers.

Frederik Vandersteene, Solutions Architect Combell

Switch to Kubernetes too

  1. Tell us about your plans and application(s)
  2. Consult our Kubernetes experts
  3. Get a Kubernetes cluster tailored to your needs
  4. Get started and rely on our support

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