Combell managed to register 73% of the special .BE domains that its customers pre-registered!

  • 24 June 2013
  • Reading time: 2 min
  • News

Newtld11 June 2013 was a special day for the .BE domain extension. As a matter of fact, on that day, people were given the possibility to use non-ASCII characters in .BE domain names. So, it was finally possible to register hé, premiè and chloë.be.

Since April, Combell offered its customers the possibility to pre-register such domain names. As a matter of fact, we composed a list that we submitted to DNS.BE on 11 June at 10 AM sharp. Using our unique domain name registration platform, we were able to participate with confidence in the ‘landrush’ (the moment the registration of .BE domains with non-ASCII characters was allowed).

We are happy that so many Combell customers used this free pre-registration system, but we are even happier about the results: more than 73% of the domain names on our pre-registration list were successfully registered for our customers. After just half an hour, the percentage of Combell’s .BE domain names with non-ASCII characters was already over 20 % of the total number of domains registered with DNS.BE during the landrush.

Today, it is still possible to register .BE domain names with non-ASCII characters. If you have a non-ASCII character such as à, é, ï, or ö in your name or in the name of your company, you really should register your .BE in time. You can use this domain name just as any other domain name. You can use it for sending and receiving e-mails, linking web pages to it or forwarding visitors to your existing website.

Place your order today via or contact our sales department using our toll-free number 0800-8-567890.