Sustainable entrepreneurship: Combell’s social commitment

  • 8 February 2021
  • Reading time: 4 min
  • News

Sustainable entrepreneurship does not only mean taking care of your collaborators and reducing your ecological footprint, but also having a positive impact on society. What has Combell achieved to make society a better place? 

The Internet as a public utility, available for all to use

Internet available for everyoneCombell is more aware than anyone else that access to the Internet is as important and as necessary for the well-being of people and for equal opportunities for all as are traditional public utilities such as power and water. That is why we strive to make the Internet more accessible, so that as many citizens, organisations and companies as possible have the opportunity to obtain information via the Internet or to make it available, in order to be able to offer services or to make use of them.

On a modest scale, we donate used hardware to students at the Thomas More institute (for use in practical lessons) and we also give laptops to children in difficulty. A much more important aspect, however, is what we are able to achieve with our services.

We offer a wide range of services, including the registration and management of domain names, website and application hosting, not forgetting virtual desktops such as Remote Desktop and Microsoft 365. The common thread is that individuals, small companies and organisations, as well as large corporations can easily take the step to building an online presence.


The human side of the digital world is key

Our processes are fully automated, from registering a domain name to purchasing hosting. In its range of services, Combell's strategy is based on autonomy with assistance. Combell's control panel allows you to make most of the changes to the products and services you purchase from Combell. This tool was developed in-house and is constantly improved based on the feedback we receive from our users. This means you have full control over your services and can work autonomously.

But if you need help, you can always contact one of our collaborators, every step of the way. If, for example, you need assistance in managing your services or in ordering new packages, or if you need advice on the best configuration for your new project, our support experts are there to help you.

Trust Combell's support team

Because we fully understand the importance of personal contact. Customers must be able to rely on people who are able to answer any questions they may have. This is why our helpdesk is not an impersonal call centre; instead, our customers can communicate directly with experts.

Customers who have complex needs are assigned their own account manager. This expert knows the exact requirements (in terms of both hardware and software) for the customer's project. When configuring the customer's environment, the account manager will not focus on what will bring the most benefit to Combell, but rather on what the customer needs.

People who have developed an expertise in WordPress, PHP or other web technologies (often within Combell itself) will really help you move forward. This too is part of Combell's social responsibility: providing its collaborators with the space and opportunities they need to develop further, to grow, so that they can use their expertise to contribute to a better digital world. 


Fostering trust in digital applications

Fostering trust in digital applicationsLike other public utilities, such as power and water, the Internet must be available at all times. Citizens must be able to access information whenever they need it, a business must be able to count on being available to its customers, and a company offering a service via a cloud-based app must be able to count on its service always being up and running.

In this respect too, Combell is well aware of its responsibility: by guaranteeing stability, we help citizens trust online services, information and companies. To achieve this, we constantly monitor the load on our servers and take proactive measures in the event of problems. 


Providing services to benefit the whole of society

Providing services to benefit the whole of societyOf course, as a company, Combell has a duty to its shareholders and its staff: it must continue to grow by remaining profitable. But as part of one of Europe's largest hosting providers, it is also aware of its key duty to help facilitate sustainable digitalisation.

The very nature of Combell's services is in itself a contribution to further social progress. More and more companies choose to have servers in the cloud, instead of having their own servers. Thanks to virtualisation, the computing power of these cloud computers can be used much more efficiently. This helps companies save energy, because fewer computers can handle more work. But companies also report increased productivity, because they can fully focus on their core business, since we take over the technical maintenance of the cloud servers. This allows them to develop further, while we contribute to the growth of the economy.

If implemented with proper care and consideration for the environment, cloud computing is also environmentally friendly. Thanks to the large scale of the data centres, it makes economic sense and is technically feasible to take certain measures that would not be taken at the office or at home.

Let it be clear: Over the years, Combell has grown into a larger company, but its social commitment from the early years has remained intact!

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