What did Combell do for you in 2021?

The Christmas tree is up, presents have been bought and the bubbly is chilled: high time to take stock of 2021!

Last year, 160 Combell collaborators made sure you could enjoy smooth running services, every day. That is why we would like to remind you of what our people have done for you.


For years, Combell has been working hard on security, and that was no different in 2021. Because at times, cybersecurity has (unfortunately) been a hot topic. Just think of the large-scale DDoS attack against the government network Belnet.

This is just one of the examples that once again made it very clear how important secure hosting is. That is why, last year – like every year, for that matter 😉 – Combell put in a lot of effort every day to keep your services as secure as possible.

Combell Shield 2.0

As a user of our web hosting services, you have long benefited from our security shield that protects your environment. The Combell Shield stops malware, viruses and hackers and identifies security risks on your website.

This year, the Combell Shield underwent a major upgrade. The 'Combell Shield 2.0' prevents attackers from even reaching your website's server: we added an extra component to the shield that screens all attacks, even before they reach your server. You can think of it as our 'digital bouncer'.

Get to know the Combell Shield 2.0.

ISO 27701: your personal data are safe with us

Our new ISO certificate is a recognition that makes us extremely proud. It is an extension to our previous ISO 27001 certificate, which guarantees that your personal data are stored with us in compliance with the GDPR.

Find out how we achieved the ISO 27701 certification.

We hack ourselves all year round!

It may sound a bit strange, but our specialists at Combell constantly try to hack our own systems, and even invite other (ethical) hackers to do the same. This allows us to stay one step ahead of real hackers and to provide unbreakable systems.


Combell does not want to be just another anonymous hosting provider. You can always come to us with any questions you may have – that is why we provide 24/7 support or why Elise and her colleagues are there for you!

In 2021, we focused even more on this aspect. Now, you can count even more on Combell as a one-stop-shop that allows you to overcome all your digital challenges.

Whether you are working on a personal project, have just started your company or want to manage the daily tasks of 1,500 collaborators, Combell will take care of your IT infrastructure and hosting!

Free Flexmail account for each one of our customers

Digital growth starts with Combell, and that is why this year, we made sure that all our customers can use Flexmail, the Belgian e-mail marketing tool, for free.

This way, you as a Combell customer can easily keep in touch with your customers, by sending newsletters or promotional e-mails! With your free account, you can send five campaigns per month to 200 contacts.

Have you not yet activated your free Flexmail account? You can do this easily via  your control panel on My Combell!

Find out what your free e-mail marketing tool can do for you.

Revamped status page

Clear communication helps us understand each other. That is why our status page has been redesigned. If you suspect that something has gone wrong with your services, you can always go there to see if there are any problems with our systems.

In addition, when necessary, we also provide useful updates on maintenance schedules.

But of course we will do our best to use our status page as little as possible .

Dedicated Connectivity

Last year, we also worked hard on optimising our private network connections.

In this context, we focus on private connections that allow our customers to connect to our data centres. This makes a transfer to the cloud an even greater relief for companies, which can turn to a one-stop provider – Combell! – to make the switch.

New colours and a TV campaign!

If you have visited our website lately, you have undoubtedly noticed it: Combell has a fresh new look! In November, we launched our 'Go Big Online' campaign to show online entrepreneurs that we are there for them, at every step of their development on the Internet.

And that campaign also includes a TV advert! If you missed it on TV, you can also watch it below.

More of the same in 2022? Absolutely, and even more!

We hope that we at Combell were able to make your 2021 a little better, but 2022 will be even better – if that is even possible! We will not reveal our plans just yet, but you will be the first to hear about them here .

We wish you a very happy holiday season!