How to configure my Basic mailbox in Thunderbird?

To configure your email with Thunderbird, follow the steps below.

  1. Configure Thunderbird like so:
    1. Get to the “Mail Account Setup” window:
      1. If your Thunderbird is newly installed Click on the “Create a New Account Button” where it says “Email”.
      2. If you are already using Thunderbird, right click on the email address of the account you have already setup. Then hit “Settings”. At the bottom click on “Account actions” > “Add mail account”.
    2. If Thunderbird suggest that you purchase a domain name, tell them “Skip This And Use My Existing Email”.Skip This And Use My Existing Email
    3. In the “Mail Account Setup” window enter:
      1. Your names (the recipients of your emails will see those)
      2. Email address like so:
      3. Password
      4. Click on “Continue”Mail Account Setup
    4. Here Thunderbird will tell you what it thinks your IMAP and POP servers are named. Our mail servers are named different by default, so click on “Manual Config”.
      1. Copy the server names and ports accordingly.
        1.; SSL port: 995)
        2. 143; SSL port: 993)
        3. 2525; SSL port: 465)
      2. Click on “Re-test”.
      3. Click on “Done”.


      Mail Account Setup IMAP

      IMAP + SSL

      Mail Account Setup IMAP + SSL


      Mail Account Setup POP3

      POP3 + SSL

      Mail Account Setup POP3 + SSL

Updated on 7 September 2020

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