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  5. Create a distribution list with multiple e-mail addresses

Create a distribution list with multiple e-mail addresses

Distribution lists are used to send e-mails to a group of people, without having to enter each e-mail address separately.

For example, create a distribution list for all members of your sales department where an e-mail is sent to sales@yourdomainname.com to all sellers.

Create a distribution list for your Basic mailbox

With a Basic mailbox you have two options.

  1. Set up a auto forward for your mailbox with multiple e-mail addresses
  2. Or alternatively set up multiple referral addresses

Create a distribution list for your Exchange mailbox

With an Exchange mailbox you first create a distribution list via the control panel. Then you add contacts / e-mail addresses to the list via your e-mail program (eg Outlook).

First follow these steps in the control panel:

  1. Go to “My products”> “E-mail hosting”> Click on “Manage” next to the domain of your mailbox.
  2. Select “Distribution lists” in the menu on the left and click on “Add distribution list”.
  3. Choose a name, e-mail address and administrator for your distribution list.
  4. Click on “Create distribution list” to create the list and continue in Outlook to add contacts to your distribution list.
Create a new distribution list

Then follow these steps in Outlook 2013 to add contacts to your distribution list:

  1. Open the address book (found in Outlook 2013 in the Start menu, at the bottom of the search bar).
  2. There you normally see a list of contacts and distribution lists. Click on the distribution list where you want to add e-mail addresses.
  3. Click on “Change members” to add contacts (e-mail addresses).
  4. Ready? Click “OK” and then “Add” to confirm.
Add contacts to your distribution list

Updated on 26 February 2024

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