Plopsa – No more sleepless nights thanks to Combell

Sebastien Momerency, Manager Digital Marketing at Plopsa, is on cloud nine thanks to the Cloud hosting services provided by Combell. This is his testimonial:

5 amusement parks, 2.7 million visitors

Plopsaland is a wonderful family park, very nicely themed. It is actually the ultimate place for young children to meet their TV heroes, like Samson, Gert, Mega Mindy, Piet Piraat, etc. All of them can be seen walking around the park, and then of course, there are also the more than 50 exciting attractions.

“Combell definitely makes your visit to Plopsa more enjoyable!”

In addition to Plopsaland, you can also visit Plopsa Indoor Hasselt, PlopsaCoo, Holiday Park in Germany, and the Netherlands has Plopsa Indoor Coevorden. This means there are already 5 Plopsa parks, where we welcome a total of 2.7 million visitors, which is quite an impressive number!

Cloud Hosting from Combell

The website is the main means of communication

Our visitors find Plopsaland mainly on the Internet, through our website, for example. In all our communication, we also direct people to our website, which contains all the important information, as well as very useful tools to prepare your visit. A visit to is really worthwhile.

Park apps make your visit easier

Plopsa-apps-rely-on-Combell-cloud-hostingOur park apps from Plopsaland De Panne and Holiday Park are also hosted by Combell. We have very nice apps that you can use during your visit to the park. They are very handy and allow you to do lots of things: you can receive reminders during your visit, notifications when a show starts, etc. All these apps are hosted by Combell. Combell definitely makes your visit more enjoyable! 

Combell ensures a better night's sleep

Before we started working with Combell, we sometimes had sleepless nights because we were not really sure we could handle certain peaks. Traffic sometimes peaks, depending on the weather. During these days, a lot of people visit our website in order to plan a visit to a Plopsa park. It is then essential that the website remains online. We have experienced some difficulties with this in the past.

On peak days, people plan a visit to one of the Plopsa theme parks via our website. It is then essential that the website remains online.

A very convincing 24/7 support service

That support is very important to us; it is crucial for us to be able to reach someone day and night, knowing that if a problem should arise, it will be solved in no time. Combell managed to convince us of this point.

Since we partnered with Combell, we have not experienced any problems. We have never been offline, and have never had to call Combell to quickly fix anything. But I am sure that if a problem occurs, it will be resolved very quickly.

“Combell is the best hosting brand in Belgium”

A compatible business environment

I actually think that Combell is a company that is very similar to ours. We have a very casual, fun way of working, and I also find that kind of friendly attitude in Combell. I really like working with a company that is on the same wavelength as ours. In my opinion, our way of working and Combell's are highly compatible, and that is why there is such a great synergy between the two companies.

High quality requirements

Another interesting point is that if you are a premium brand and a trendsetter in the field of theme parks, you try to connect with brands that also stand for quality, and I think we found a perfect match with Combell in that respect. Because Combell is currently the best hosting brand in Belgium.

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