Monday is the most dangerous day for data loss

  • 25 January 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min
  • Tools

We cannot stress strongly enough how important online backup is. Data loss can have very unpleasant consequences for you as well. COMBELL collected a few interesting facts from recent articles on data loss.

Did you know that:

  • Only 1 out of 6 SMEs makes adequate backups? (De Tijd)
  • 34 % of all European companies don’t have an emergency plan in case of an IT failure? (De Standaard)
  • One out of five SMEs lose data because of theft and viruses? (Zibb)
  • Self-burned CDs and DVDs have a lifespan of 5 years? (Breekpunt)
  • One of the biggest fears amongst managers is data loss? (De Tijd)
  • Monday is the most dangerous day for data loss? (CRN)
  • The costs related to recent data loss at the Dutch tax department amounted to more than 200 million euros for the business sector? (NOS Journaal)
  • Laptops are even more sensitive to data loss than desktop PCs? (De Tijd)
  • Mistakes by personnel are at the basis of 20 % of all data loss? (Computable)
  • American companies lose 6.3 million dollars on average after having been confronted with loss, theft or abuse of company data? (Computable)

Do you want to avoid all these problems?
Our online backup services are available as from € 2,5 per month.