Come and meet us at the Ondernemen in Vlaanderen trade show in Ghent

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Do you want to escape from the straightjacket of being an employee and start your own business? Or perhaps you would like to continue to expand your current business abroad or in the digital world? At the Ondernemen in Vlaanderen trade show, you will find answers to all the questions you may have about setting up a business in Flanders. And, of course, Combell will be there too!

Trade show Ondernemen in VlaanderenThe Ondernemen in Vlaanderen trade show, which is organised by Agentschap Ondernemen, whose aim is to promote entrepreneurship in Flanders, has been held every year since 2009. Starting a company, expanding it, taking it over or handing it over are all phases in the evolution of a business that encompass many aspects and also raise lots of questions. By bringing together the most influential players from the world of entrepreneurship, this trade show will provide answers to all the questions that both aspiring and established entrepreneurs may have.

Feweb’s Digital Corner

This year, there will also be a separate Digital Corner, set up by Feweb (the Federation of Belgian Web companies). Because modern businesses can no longer survive without online presence, whether it be a simple digital business card that includes contact details, location, opening hours, and available products and services, or a real web store that ships worldwide. With this trade show, Feweb intends to assist visitors who have questions about everything that is related to digital technologies when they want to set up or expand their business.

What can you achieve with a website? What do you need to set up a web store? What should you consider when hiring the services of a web designer and/or a hosting provider? Feweb will provide visitors with explanations about all of these topics (and many others too) in the special Digital Corner. Several members of Feweb will also be there to present their services. Feweb had indeed put together a special package for the participation of its members in Flanders’ biggest networking event, whose public is composed of SMEs, self-employed workers and aspiring entrepreneurs.

Combell’s G-spot

Visit Combell at Ondernemen in VlaanderenAnd, of course, Combell will be present at the Digital Corner too. A domain name, hosting for your website, cloud services, a backup for your data in the cloud... Digital entrepreneurship is developing really fast, and new concepts and services are created every day. Combell’s team of specialists will be at stand G4 in the Digital Corner, in order to answer all the questions visitors may have and help them take a giant step into the digital world.

See you on 29 October in Flanders Expo in Ghent (stand G4)!