Combell team building: Tennis night 2013

  • 14 October 2013
  • Reading time: < 1 min
  • News

Work hard, play hard. We at Combell really take this motto to heart. We are a tight team that pursues only one goal: to make and support fantastic products and services that our customers are happy to use every day.

Besides our work, we also often organise team building events. Every quarter, there is our “team update”, where we focus on all facts and figures about our company, which ends with us eating and drinking in a pleasant atmosphere until the wee hours. And we also regularly head for a night out, like we did on Friday 20 September. We were a group of 40 for this delicious barbecue evening, which was preceded by a tennis tournament. Check out the video below to see how this event went.

If you want to be part of our team, please visit our job vacancies page and who knows? Maybe you will be hitting the ball with us next time!