Why local domain names are important

The actual domain name that you choose is becoming increasingly important to obtain a good ranking among search engine results. The most important selection criterion used to be that a domain name had to be easy to recognize and to remember, but nowadays, it also has to rank high with local search engines of different countries. Here are some tips from COMBELL and its partner bSeen.
The root can be composed in three different ways:

1. The company name, e.g. combell
It is unique and has a familiar ring, which is ideal for corporate websites.

2. The keyword, e.g. webhosting
A keyword in the domain name gives search engines a signal indicating that the website is important for this keyword. Thus, you obtain a better ranking among search results faster. This method is often used for informative or mini websites.

3. A combination, e.g. combell-webhosting or domainregistration-combell
If you go for the combination, there should always be a hyphen between the terms you use. Search engines indeed have trouble with words that are joined together or by underscores, for they cannot distinguish the individual words.

The extension can also take on different shapes. If you wish your website to rank high with local SERPs (search engine results pages), it is advisable to use the extension from the country of interest, like e.g. .be, .nl, .fr or .de. As a matter of fact, locally oriented search engines such as Google prioritize domain names with a local extension.

Register your own domain name.
More tips to rank higher among search engines results.
Rank high in search engines with your domain names.