The ultimate e-mail marketing content calendar – by Flexmail

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E-mail marketing is a practice our sister company Flexmail knows inside out. This is why, to get 2017 off to a great start, they have compiled the ultimate e-mail marketing content calendar. A content calendar is essential to ensure the success of your e-mail marketing and social media campaigns. Using a calendar format instead of a long list helps you see how you can spread your content throughout the year. This is why, in 2017, you will also be able to use the popular Ultimate E-mail marketing Content calendar.

Download the Flexmail content calendar here

With Flexmail’s E-mail marketing Content calendar, you can:

  • Plan possible themes ahead, including the associated titles.
  • Identify the slow periods for which you need to produce new content, in order to avoid any problems.
  • Plan your content around key events or dates in your sector.
  • Respond to new releases and/or opportunities in time.
  • Think beforehand about your goals and target audience in order to come up with efficient campaigns.
  • Keep track of deadlines for your content and team.

The further ahead you can plan your e-mail marketing content, the easier it is to produce a consistent stream of efficient content. In its calendar, Flexmail has already included a few key (holy)days, around which you can base your content. In addition, every month includes a short tip to improve your strategy and stimulate your creativity. Good luck with this new tool!