The economic recession popularizes online discount vouchers

  • 7 July 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min
  • News

The fact that the economic recession forces citizens to save is also noticeable on the Internet. Early June, according to figures published by the American company Hitwise, visits on websites specialized in all sorts of coupons have increased with no less than 56% in comparison with last year. recorded the strongest growth and its market share grew with 190%. Coupon Mountain and Eversave experienced respective growths of 14 and 6%.
How do visitors end up on these websites? 20% of visitors land on such sites via search engines. Among the 250 search strings that led Internet users on coupon websites, 60% contained the name of a specific brand, like e.g. : “coupons Walmart”.
“The petrol price rise and the smaller budgets make numerous users use Internet to save on their online and offline purchases. Now that the cost of living continues to increase, retailers can boost their sales by offering discounts to price-conscious buyers”, states Heather Dougherty, research director at Hitwise. “Although certain families’ available incomes are decreasing, users keep buying online, but they want to make sure that they found the best bargain”.