Thanks to COMBELL free tips from Google

  • 8 March 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min
  • News

Your website, a success story

As a hosting provider, we intend to support you on as many levels as possible in order to help your website become a success. COMBELL’s clients already benefit from a Google AdWords voucher (worth 50 euros) that they can use to advertise their website on the Google network.

Advice from Google guru's

Do you have a website that’s not yet running the way you’d like it to? You don’t know exactly how to use the AdWords voucher? We have some good news for you! On March 19th or 20th, Google specialists will teach you how to get the most out of it. During the trade show Ondernemen/Entreprendre 2008 in Brussels, a special « Google University » shall be held for entrepreneurs.

You can choose between a beginners workshop and an advanced workshop:

Beginner topics:

* Latest trends in online marketing
* Organisation of a professional campaign
* Optimization and measurement of results
* Advanced topics:

* Maximise your ROI
* Reach more people through the Google network: best practices
* Tracking and analysing of results

50 EUR for free and unique Google goodies

Moreover, by partaking in one of the workshops, you will receive an extra Google voucher (worth 50 euros) as well as a unique Google package that will include everything you need to get started. Besides, on Google’s stand at the trade show, you will be able to ask your questions in person to Google collaborators.

Are you interested? Then click here for more information and free entrance cards.

During the trade show Ondernemen/Entreprendre 2008 at Tour & Taxis in Brussels, you’re always welcome on our stand as well.