Selligent renews contract with Combell Solutions

  • 16 May 2013
  • Reading time: 3 min
  • News

Selligent, the specialist in conversion marketing and interactive CRM solutions, has recently renewed its hosting contract with Combell Solutions and now has a powerful and flexible private cloud infrastructure at its disposal.

Selligent based its choice on 4 years of positive experience with hosting services provided by Unitt and the unique possibilities offered by Combell’s private cloud:
- Combell’s fully managed cloud concept frees Selligent from managing the physical and virtual systems, allowing the company to focus on its core business activities;
- The virtual infrastructure can be adapted in no time if the circumstances change. It is able to cope with traffic peaks and makes structural growth easier;
- The same applies to the underlying physical infrastructure: the unique plug and play feature that makes it possible for Combell to make new hardware available within 30 minutes allows Selligent to add massive amounts of computing power when the need suddenly arises.

“Our interactive marketing tools are very well received by national and international companies, among which Stepstone, Mobistar and Thomas Cook”, says Selligent CTO Ben Vloemans.

“The concepts seem very popular because of the many features and the attractive price. As a matter of fact, our customers no longer need to invest in hardware and software to benefit from all the advantages that our application suite provides. This subscription-based solution that makes it easy to manage your budget is also known as SaaS: Software as a Service.”

“We gradually started delegating several of ‘our’ tasks to Combell and discovered that they were able to accomplish them as fast and as efficiently as we did, not to mention their 24/7 availability and the direct lines to our ICT people, which are obviously a nice bonus”, says Vloemans. “On the economic front, it is simply more efficient to accomplish infrastructural tasks from a central location and on a large scale. In practice, Combell has proved to be capable of taking care of these things with great professionalism and very efficiently, which freed our hands to focus on our core business.”

In order to be able to cope with constant growth, Combell designed—in close collaboration with Selligent—the new infrastructure bearing extreme scalability in mind. The strict requirements of Selligent’s main customers (including banks), made security and high availability at least equally important…

“When we designed Selligent’s new private cloud, we planned to install all production systems in duplicate so as to ensure the highest possible availability”, says David Temmerman, sales manager at Combell. “Firewalls and servers, storage and databases and the internal and external networks: everything is redundant. This way, should a terrible disaster occur, we would still be able to rebuild the environment with the data we kept safe in a second data centre. Considering Combell’s customary short delivery times, this solution is definitely the best we can find to meet the strict requirements of both Selligent and its customers.”

“The fact that big names such as Mobistar are using the new platform clearly says a lot about it”, he adds. “As a matter of fact, such companies are primarily interested in how you will secure the integrity, confidentiality and availability of their data. The best approach you can take is to isolate and compartmentalise the entire ICT environment—and that is exactly what we have done here.”

The comprehensive private cloud architecture combines high levels of security and availability required by customers with great scalability in both the short and the long run, which is especially important to Selligent.

About the close collaboration with Combell throughout the design, implementation and production phases, Vloemans concludes: “We were looking for a partner able to provide us with a reliable IT infrastructure, but also with the required support on a strategic level. In Combell, we found an extension of our in-house team and our collaboration goes far beyond your typical customer-provider relationship.”

Customers of all sizes rely with confidence on Selligent’s SaaS platform; both Selligent and Combell, the hosting partner, hold an ISO 27001 certificate.

Click here to read the complete customer case about Selligent.