PHPBenelux @ Combell

  • 23 May 2010
  • Reading time: < 1 min
  • News

The terms “Combell” and “PHP” appear more and more frequently in the same sentence and that does not come as a surprise: Combell has many years of expertise in everything related to the LAMP stack and is happy to be associated with the community rallied around these technologies.

On Wednesday 28 April, a new meeting of the PHPBenelux user group was held and the Combell offices were the ideal place for it. It was a beautiful sunny evening with an outstanding attendance. The evening begun on the Combell terrace, where people started networking with a drink and a sandwich in their hand.

PHP through the eyes of a hoster

Immediately after, the speeches begun and our Thijs Feryn made his speech in front of a full house. His speech “PHP through the eyes of a hoster” summarized the experience that Combell has in the field of hosting PHP applications. Numerous aspects were addressed: installation and configuration, security, performance, scalability, approaching features and the different levels of knowledge of the different developers.

Developing Social Games in the Cloud

After a short break, Jurriaan Persyn and Pieter De Schepper from Netlog explained the project “” in their speech “Developing Social Games in the Cloud”. The focus of this speech was the aspect of hosting and more particularly how they host this social gaming platform in the Cloud via the services of Amazon.


After the speeches, people kept discussing them at the bar and this successful meeting lasted until the small hours. It is obvious that the PHP technology is booming and that was reflected by the excellent attendance at the events that are organized by PHPBenelux.

Check out all the photos taken at the PHP Benelux Meeting on Flickr