Only 2% of online orders come from Facebook and co.

  • 12 June 2014
  • Reading time: 2 min
  • News

Facebook e-commerceSocial networks play an essential role in the way companies interact with Internet users, who are becoming increasingly more aware of their rights. But it is rather a PR channel than a tool to increase sales. This is illustrated by the fact that only 2% of orders come from Facebook and co.

Custora, which recently carried out a study, has a message for companies. Yes, Facebook and co. are probably a useful tool to manage public relations, maintain contacts with followers and deal with complaints published in social media before they go mainstream and create a negative buzz. But no, they are not the best channel to generate sales.

The study indeed confirms that a mere 2% of online sales come from social media platforms. A figure that is in clear contradiction with some other figures related to corporate communication. 94% have their own Facebook page, and 81% have a “Like” button on their online store. 81% of companies also use Pinterest, and 79% have an account with the largest microblogging site: Twitter.

Other channels would have more impact. According to the study, organic search, pay-per-click advertising and e-mail marketing are the best tools to increase sales for e-commerce merchants. These methods indeed represent 60% of purchases.

The number of buyers who are redirected from social media sites and who also make an actual purchase is in fact growing, but it is still limited. Compared to the first quarter of 2013, it went up from 1 to 2%. Well thought-out mailing campaigns are, however, still much more efficient. Did you know that Combell offers an SMTP service that makes sure your e-mails are delivered properly and, most importantly, prevents your address from being blacklisted?