Online Fax can easily replace your traditional fax machine

  • 26 February 2013
  • Reading time: 3 min
  • News

Perhaps you still have an old fax machine that is constantly on, thus consuming power. Today, however, there are faster means of communication and this is probably why you are not using your fax as much as you used to. Or maybe you do use it a lot. Because a fax machine prints transmission reports that can be used as legal evidence. Anyway, we believe that the time has come for you to use the fax of the 21st century.

Thanks to Combell’s Online Fax solution, you can finally put your fax machine away and replace it with your computer that you most likely already own. This is in fact all you need to start sending and receiving faxes in the cloud. Besides, Online Fax is a professional service that uses redundant servers and professional fax lines connected to our data centre. So, you no longer depend on a single physical fax machine or a single fax line, which may cause you to miss important faxes if these systems were to fail.

Constant access to your received faxes, wherever you are

You receive your faxes in digital format. The My Combell control panel provides a clear overview of these faxes and an automatic archive is built without you having to do anything. And since everything is stored chronologically, you no longer have to spend hours looking for your faxes.

But what if you are on the road instead of sitting behind your computer? You can also have your received faxes instantly forwarded to your e-mail address. This way, you will get an instant message as soon as you receive a new fax. And if you use Combell’s Exchange, there will also no longer be any time lag between the fax reception and the notification message (thanks to Push E-mail).

Sending a fax becomes child’s play

Via My Combell, you can also send faxes online. And you can even send them to multiple recipients at once. All you need to do is upload the file you want to fax (a .pdf, .doc, .xls...) and we do the rest. Via the control panel, you can check if and when the fax was sent. We also keep you updated about this via e-mail.

It is also possible to send faxes via your mailbox. To make this possible, you just need to send an e-mail to a special e-mail address using your personal secret code in the subject line. As for the fax itself, you need to add it as an attachment. Combell takes care of the rest and sends the fax for you.

Better for both the environment and your wallet

How many trees do you think your fax machine has consumed already? With Online Fax, you no longer need to print your fax messages, because you receive them in digital format. This way, you can save paper as well as ink and electricity.

However, you do not save on operational costs only, because Online Fax is more than twice as cheap as a traditional fax subscription with a telephone company. If you already have a fax number, you can choose to keep it, or you can pick a new number in a telephone area of your choice.

Do not wait any longer and order your fax number online or call our sales department on our toll-free number 0800-8-567890 if you require further information.