Free analysis of your website

  • 4 June 2009
  • Reading time: < 1 min
  • News

Website Grader is a free online tool, which allows you to see how effective your website is. The tool works as follows: you enter your domain name and the URL of competing websites and click on “Generate Report”. You will then receive an extensive report with, among other things, on-page SEO elements (feedback on your metadata, images, headings, etc.) and off-page SEO elements (PageRank, indexed pages, domain age, etc.). This useful information can then be used to improve your website.

Besides Website Grader, the site also offers a press release tool, a Twitter tool, a Facebook tool and a personality tool. In addition, Combell also offers you a free position test without obligation in collaboration with bSeen. And now, start analysing and optimizing!