E-mailing in a traffic jam: one out of four people already does it

  • 2 June 2008
  • Reading time: 2 min
  • News

We are now accustomed to checking and sending our e-mail via our laptop. But how many among us also check their e-mail while they are on the move, like when caught in a traffic jam, in the doctor’s waiting room or discreetly during a meeting with a client?

Early April, one of the forums on PC Magazine’s website organised a poll pertaining to the use of e-mail while on the move. One out of four participants indicated that they checked and sent their e-mail while on the move. And another 8% told that they only received e-mails, meaning that they didn’t send any. 66% of the participants do not check or send e-mails while on the move. So that means that nowadays, already one third of the people send e-mails while on the move.

A remark should however be made in the frame of this poll. Namely that SMS remains the most popular messaging service: 41% of users mostly use this means of communication. 22% of the participants indicated that they use webmail and another 17% of the users check their POP-mail on their mobile device. Despite the fact that, in practice, this latter method is generally the handiest to use while on the move.

The poll also enquired via which device people managed their e-mail while on the move. Here are the top four:
1.) Mobile phone (32%)
2.) Smartphone (10%): 6% with a Windows Mobile operating system and 2% with Symbian.
3.) BlackBerry (4%)
4.) iPhone (3%)

The iPhone is already used by 3% of the respondents, although Mobistar will only launch this device on the market officially later this year. No wonder, since until today, about 15,000 Belgians already use an iPhone, among whom minister Vincent Van Quickenborne.

Would you also like to e-mail while caught in traffic or at other more pleasant moments? With COMBELL’s Business e-mail (Hosted Exchange), you always have your e-mail, your agenda, your task list and your contacts within reach, wherever you are.

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