Dutch politicians want measures against domain names with typos

  • 25 August 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min
  • News

The CDA member of the Lower House Mirjam Sterk wants measures that will protect people from those who are called typosquatters and who register one or several domain names containing typos. A domain name with typos is a domain name that is based on the name of a well-known website, but that contains one or several typos. Often, children are the victims of this deceit and land on one or other dishonest website. This isn’t a picnic for companies either, since they are the ones that lose visitors and are at risk of being associated with the contents of the typo-containing domain names.

COMBELL already investigated this phenomenon of typosquatting extensively at the end of May and offers you a free tool that will enable you to check which domain names are still available: the Typo Generator. Now that the Dutch politicians also decided to expose the phenomenon and to make related practices punishable, this matter will undoubtedly be continued.