Damn Data conference in Antwerp about Big Data: a huge success!

  • 25 October 2013
  • Reading time: 2 min
  • News

damndatalogoWe have to admit it: Big Data are not an easy matter. Terms like NoSQL, Hadoop and ElasticSearch will probably sound like gibberish to most people, but others use these techniques to process large data sets in an efficient manner. And that was precisely the theme of the conference 'Damn Data', which Combell and Idealabs organised together last week in the centre of Antwerp. And the event was a huge success to say the least: with a little over 200 attendees, it was sold-out well in advance.


For a whole day, developers, system administrators, CTOs and other enthusiasts had the opportunity to listen to great speeches given by big names in the field of Big Data. Keynote speakers were Chaitanya Mishra, mobile developer at Facebook, and David Coallier, who works as a data scientist at Engine Yard. But other speakers from Engagor,
MongoDB and Basho also took the floor. So, it has been a day full of exciting talks.

photo 2Besides the info sessions, visitors were also treated to pleasant coffee and lunch breaks. Much attention had been paid to a well-balanced selection of fresh pasta, salads and freshly made sandwiches with amazing toppings. And since the location also had an authentic coffee bar, participants were able to enjoy delicious ristrettos and cappuccinos for the whole day, prepared on-site by one of the on-duty baristas. Participants definitely loved the idea: they enjoyed it very much and returned to listen very carefully to the next inspiring speech after a relaxing break.

For our part, this first edition scored a bull’s-eye. We are currently working hard to publish all the talks along with the related videos, as well as a compilation video showing the mood at the event. During the speeches, “couch talks” were also recorded with all the speakers; these videos will be available online soon too.

Did you miss Damn Data? Don’t worry: a new edition is coming next year!