Combell will attend KMO-IT dag

  • 9 May 2009
  • Reading time: 2 min
  • News

kmoitlogoKMO-IT is an organisation that supports Flemish SMEs in the framework of the development and maintenance of ICT projects. Combell has been its partner for quite some time and, as every year, KMO-IT will also organise its KMO-IT dag (KMO-IT day) in 2009. A very interesting congress that is intended for entrepreneurs from SMEs and whose main purpose is to show them how to get an increase of value out of their ICT. The congress will take place on Wednesday 13 May 2009, from 1 PM to 7 PM at the hotel Ter Elst, in Edegem.

This year, during KMO-IT dag, you will get to know more about your own company. You company indeed harbours a lot of strategically important information. Information that can help you optimize your company’s functioning, turnover, costs, profit, etc. During SME-friendly workshops, specialists will show you which information is strategically important. They will also give you numerous examples of optimization. All good reasons to be there, especially in times when every penny counts.

These are some questions to which you will certainly get answers:
- My software and files are full of data. But which data are strategically important?
- How can I optimize my stock management?
- What can I do with the statistics about the use of my website? How can I optimize my site according to these statistics?
- Which techniques are interesting for calculating the real cost of a project?
- Which information can help me sell more?

Registrations to KMO-IT dag are free of charge and are possible via
On this mini-site, you will also find the full programme, as well as all the practical information.

KMO-IT dag is also coupled with an SME-oriented ICT trade show, where you will be able to discover about 30 ICT providers. Combell will also be there. You are very welcome!