COMBELL Tech: Enterprise PHP

  • 11 November 2008
  • Reading time: < 1 min
  • News

On November 19th, COMBELL had been invited to deliver a presentation on the campus of the KATHO university college in Kortrijk. In front of an audience of last-year students in computer science, Thijs Feryn and Felix De Vliegher talked about the use of PHP in an enterprise environment. Owing to their experience as “Zend Certified PHP 5 engineers”, Thijs and Felix were able to provide an image of a few crucial aspects of PHP usage in the frame of a company.

Besides a conceptual approach, some concrete examples were provided. Given COMBELL’s year-long experience in hosting large-scale PHP projects, these examples were of course not fictional. They were ensued by a wholesome mixture of testimonials and best practices.

Feel free to watch the presentation on the Slideshare import below or visit our Slideshare profile on