Combell supports new Big Data event ‘Damn Data’

  • 27 August 2013
  • Reading time: < 1 min
  • News

Damn DataThe first edition of ‘Damn Data’ will take place on October 17th 2013. ‘Damn Data’ is a new (Big) Data event that focuses on the challenges that data on the Internet represent today. We are very proud to be able to support and co-organise this event, precisely because it’s a topic more and more companies come into contact with. ‘Damn Data’ does not focus on Big Data exclusively, but also on NoSQL, data mapping and data science.

The event will take place at Idealabs in Antwerp and its first run will already be indulged by an international line-up of speakers. Great names like Facebook, MongoDB and EngineYard will delegate a speaker. But a few local speakers will also contribute, like e.g. Be-Mobile, Engagor and NGDATA. It will be a day for learning new things, for networking and for inspiration.

Are you interested in Big Data? Perhaps you are planning to use NoSQL databases? Are you having data problems or are you looking for strategies to better handle your data? If so, go to and order your ticket right away.

We also give away a free entrance ticket. The first visitor to enter the code ‘damndatacombellnewsletter’ with his order using this link will gain free access to the event!