Combell Ice Cream Car: an initiative to everyone’s taste!

  • 28 October 2013
  • Reading time: 2 min
  • News

The summer of 2013 will not soon be forgotten. Blazing temperatures, great sunny days, long evenings... What a shame for those who had to spend these beautiful summer days at their office, longing for the clear blue skies…

But Combell, which is always concerned about its customers, had thought of something for them too. IT and web companies had the opportunity to sign up for the Combell Ice Cream Car. As part of this initiative, the Combell Ice Cream Car visited various companies, so that employees could enjoy a well-deserved refreshing break. Everything was free: all the ice cream fans had to do is take pictures of themselves, adorned with summer attributes, in front of the tropical background of the Combell Island, and then tag themselves on Facebook.

This special initiative has been very well received: 322 companies signed up and 146 of them had the opportunity to welcome the Ice Cream Car. Ice creams have also been given out at 5 events: the MS community Day on 20 June, the Demo Day & Startup Heroes Night on 21 June... And on 27 June, a larger quantity of ice cream was loaded in the Ice Cream Car, because on that day, the truck visited no less than 3 events: the Appathon in Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen, the Social Media Day and the Feweb Summerevent. 8,600 scoops of ice cream were given out in 2,700 cones and 1,600 cups, decorated with countless coloured sugar pearls.

But that’s not all: one of the tagged staff members had the opportunity to win an authentic cocktail party for his/her company. The lucky winner was Head Office from Herent, where a wild party was given on 5 September. The Ice Cream Car was turned into a real cocktail truck for the occasion, with a real DJ inside. So... there were no ice cream balls, but many people had a ball with their colleagues, to start the weekend with a blast. Both the pictures of the IT teams in their exotic setting and the ones taken at the cocktail party in Herent speak for themselves!

One thing is certain: this initiative definitely needs to be scheduled again. So, in 2014, the Combell Ice Cream Car will once more come and visit IT and web companies. The Combell Ice Cream Car registration page is already up and running. Let’s just hope the sun will be shining again!