Combell: 12 points!

  • 23 May 2013
  • Reading time: 2 min
  • News

The pessimists were wrong: the Belgian representative Roberto Bellarosa eventually managed to keep a cool head and deliver a convincing performance during the 58th edition of the Eurovision Song Contest. Not only was the young fellow with his Justin Bieber looks, his doe eyes and his eyebrows like Stalin’s moustache selected for the semi-finals, but he also came in a well-deserved 12th place in the finals.

Since a Belgian contestant finally made it to the finals again, the song contest was watched with greater interest than in previous years. Many Belgian followers shared young Roberto’s emotions—not only on the TV, but also via the website During these high days of music, the site was visited by a very large number of visitors who were keen to watch the contestants’ videos and read the latest news and gossip. On the day of the finals, they were no less than 92,000. And yet, there has been no problem whatsoever with the site, which has been able to cope with the increase in traffic.

Proudly hosted by Combell

Now, here is a performance Combell can be proud of:’s website is hosted by the Ghent-based hosting company. Filip Moons, Internet coordinator for, expressed his satisfaction with the excellent collaboration, and is already looking forward to February 2014, when the new qualifying round for the Eurovision Song Contest will probably take place. This event should generate a lot of traffic too: in 2008, when the qualifying round last took place, no less than 1.8 million Flemish viewers watched the show. For 2014, expects a new rush on the site and hopes to attract 100,000 visitors per week.