CIO and ICT Manager of the year 2009 revealed

  • 5 December 2009
  • Reading time: < 1 min
  • News

Recently, the yearly election of the CIO and ICT Manager of the Year took place. For a couple of years, Combell has been sponsoring this event, organised by the trade journal Datanews.

Christiaan De Backer, Chief Information Officer of TomTom, was elected CIO of the Year. In addition, 2 ICT Managers of the Year were also elected. For the public sector, it was Rudi Van De Velde, CIO of the Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel. For the private sector, the honour went to Luc Pluys, ICT manager of Van Genechten Packaging. All the nominated had to present their file to a professional jury consisting of notorious IT specialists, professors and representatives of several user groups.