Carefree growth in Combell’s cloud

  • 19 December 2012
  • Reading time: 2 min
  • News

Over a mere ten-year period, Federgon has gone from being an organisation for temporary employment agencies to a federation for all types of HR service providers. This brought about the inevitable growing pains, also on the level of IT. Now that its data and applications are running in the cloud, more precisely in an environment hosted by Combell, Federgon can again fully focus on its core business: taking to heart the interests of its members.

So Federgon went in search of a solution that would prove an asset in the long run and wouldn’t make the federation too dependent on one single party. In other words, a solution based on standards that would also preferably be implemented quickly and allow for intuitive usage. Finally, a combination of Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft Dynamics CRM was chosen and adapted to Federgon’s needs by respective software partners Spikes and Qurius (Prodware).

Since then, Federgon lives on clouds so to speak, also where ICT infrastructure is concerned. Paul Verschueren: “Combell has been managing our system since late 2011 with no mentionable incident whatsoever: the support is outstanding, all SLAs are perfectly fulfilled and there also isn’t any downtime, unless scheduled beforehand, in which case it never exceeds the agreed duration. Three to four times a year, we come together to discuss progress, because moving to the cloud is certainly not an end phase but quite the contrary. For instance, we have also decided in the meantime to move on to thin clients: they cost less, are easy to use and also very hard to break.”

Read the full case of Federgon.